Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Hitman : Absolution + Direct Link

Hitman : Absolution 

In the aftermath of Hitman: Blood Money, Diana Burnwood, Agent 47's handler with the International Contract Agency, suddenly goes rogue, carrying out a catastrophic sabotage that includes publicly exposing the Agency. The Agency reforms under agent Benjamin Travis; Travis assigns 47 to kill Diana and bring Victoria, a teenage girl in her care, to the Agency. Shooting and wounding Diana in her home in Chicago, 47, rather than executing her, comforts the dying Diana, where she gives him a letter and asks him to keep Victoria safe from the Agency.

47 hides Victoria at a Catholic orphanage and contacts an informant named Birdie who tells him that Blake Dexter, head of Dexter Industries, may have more information on Victoria. As payment, 47 is forced to give his Silverballers to Birdie. Eavesdropping on Dexter, 47 learns that he plans to kidnap and auction Victoria to the highest bidder. Sanchez, Dexter's enormous associate, then proceeds to knock 47 unconscious. Framed by Dexter for the murder of an innocent bystander, 47 evades the police, only to learn Birdie is being hunted by Dexter's ally, Wade; despite 47's intervention, Birdie is caught by Wade and sells Victoria's location to protect himself.

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